Good stuff Ray, thanks for posting. We should put all things relevant together, to show united support for it.
I read another relevant story, mentioning another powerful spiritual technique, "The scream" that can be used as an integral part of any spiritual party, to liven things up a bit :) I posted a link in a reply there showing how kids in Sweden use it
Here is the link to my own thoughts on the power of celebration at this time:
For me, it has a very wide definition, the kids in Sweden were doing it as a way of connecting, but it can be done as part of an all-out celebration in the street, or if all else fails it can be done "underground" in virtual worlds, where all the Hikikomori of the world live, which is often seen as a kind of social prototyping environment. If it is tried and works there, then it will probably work in the real world :)
Btw it looks like Greta might have already started too