Good spot, but like some others have pointed out, still a long way to go to put the proof in the pudding. CATL obviously has some big ambitions.
However, fixing the problem of clean aviation will not be done with batteries, unfortunately.
Clean aviation means eliminating "Dirty" energy at the system input, that is the system of humanity. Any energy use generating pollution including heat, is what needs to be eliminated.
Otherwise we are just doing the planetary version of opening the fridge door in a room that is too hot, to try to lower the temperature in the room. All that happens is the room gets even hotter.
Use of any energy extracted from Earth has this undesirable effect, that we can see by just consideration of E=MC squared.
Any matter or energy of Earth which is not already temperature, converted to anything, has to result in temperature rise.
Notice also this is a formal definition of destruction, it is completely unsustainable.
So all energy extraction has to stop, in order to stop pollution, and actually to avoid the existential crisis.
That means we have to switch to the energy of the sun, it is the only way out of the energy cul de sac we are in.
The good news is this is already underway, evidenced by utilities electricity industry data coupled with population data for each "Developed" country. (Does China publish this?)
If you think of what a battery contains, it, it is a kind of reusable fuel, extracted from Earth.
After the battery has reached the end of its service life, what remains is pollution - usually toxic materials which have to be reinterred back to Earth in some way that doesn't cause hazard to life.
Mangement of that waste requires energy to be used, actually more energy than the battery processed in its lifetime.
The same analysis applies to nuclear fission, hence why nuclear is no system solution either.
The reason we are so hooked on those technologies nonetheless is that they are profitable.
But the profit always comes at ultimate cost to Earth.
In fact profit itself is systemically dependent on extraction.
We might as well say profit is destruction.
Profit isn't even possible, by energy which is not extracted.
So we are not going to fix the existential energy problem by the profit driven business model.
But we have started making the transition towards solar nonetheless, up to thirty percent in some countries.
Those countries are experiencing inflation.
The inflation has to be due to money issued as debt not enumerating energy received for free, in other words energy donated to us by an external body not previously part of the financial economy. The sun never asks anything in return for the energy donated, only that we use it wisely (Or burn!).
Using it wisely means converting it to things other than the heat it might become if we didn't use it.
Again by consideration of E=MC squared, in this case it means the lowering of temperature.
This time the formal definition is creation, the opposite of destruction.
So this time we see something truly, infinitely sustainable.
I could go on, but hopefully you are starting to see the full picture.
It isn't a surprise that CATL, nor even the Chinese government have made any of this public, if they even know about it.
The consequence of it is that it will end capitalism, the means by which they retain power and control. We will move to something new, energyism, much quicker than most folk realise.
We are in a state similar to a transistor switching humanity from the energy of Earth, to the energy of the sun.
In the transition, we are seeing energy losses increase exponentially, just like in the transistor.
The drive to profit by trying to deal with pollution profitably just ties us into more extraction, hence more energy wasted, hence more temperature rise.
So any and all business still talking about net zero, carbon neutrality, carbon mitigation, carbon taxing etc, still has not got the full systemic picture.
CATL show this on the next page of the link you supplied, they talk about carbon neutrality.
It all adds up to wasting extracted energy on pollution management, when what needs to be done is just stop extracting.
As mentioned earlier, inflation is being experienced by the countries furthest into transition.
This will only get worse until money is issued for free enumerating the KWhrs of energy already donated into the economy by the sun.
That means substantial UBI for all people, which will incentivise everyone to put in as much solar collection infrastructure into their local communities as possible, because by this we will maximise future financial stipend, which will have to be geared total KWhrs of energy received from the sun.
On how to store that energy, converting it to something not only backing up local microgrids 24/7, but also a valuable commodity in markets - hydrogen fuel, which again China leads the world in technology of.
So we might see hydrogen available to transportation on every street corner in no time at all, hence motivation to convert all transportation to use hydrogen.
EVs are convertible by swapping batteries for internal tank reversible fuel cells.
ICEs including aviation are convertible by changing to burn hydrogen.
We might even see things like Concorde and the Space Shuttle back in the air again but with vastly improved safety cases, but best of all, anyone and everyone having the choice of whether or not to personally use them.
Use of hydrogen is often dismissed as inefficient, but efficiency in an extracted energy world, where power lost adds to heat which was not on Earth in the first place.
When the energy is from the sun, the source additional to Earth, any use of it at all has to result in a lowering of temperature.
So even if we could only use 20% of the energy captured by a panel, use of this to produce a KWhr in hydrogen form, vs a KWhr of energy supplied by extracted means at any efficiency, is still a vast improvement.
In fact this still represents net-negative, in terms of pollution.
Net-zero then would require that somehow we maintain maximum energy loss, therefore maximum temperature impact, somewhere in the middle of the transition.
See how this makes no sense, and is actually physically unobtainable?
The best outcome possible is to move to solar stimulus with no further delay, to complete the transition as quickly as possible, minimising the temperature impact of wasted energy, and wasted business.
Sorry I did go on, but I hope it helps you see the solution, and the value of thirty years systems Engineering experience.