Good roundup, thanks Mike. I published part 3 yesterday of "Sourcing hydrogen equipment" just letting you know, I can't provide a link with current Android app but will do later.
Anyhow it shows a key part of how anyone can use hydrogen to back up their energy on a domestic and community basis.
It's part of my reaction to your gauntlet thrown down when you said you don't see any magical solutions.
It puts to sleep all doomer claims that hydrogen is useless, stupid, impossible yada yada, by showing that there is at least one solution.
If / when we move to it, we could be seeing things like concorde back in the air again, flying three or four times as far, with even just kiwi fruit on board being a good enough reason to make the trip, and the system all supplying it reversing the temperature impulse, the more we use it.
We wouldn't bother chasing battery powered flight after that, I don't think.
Fun fact; Concorde Rolls Royce Olympus Engines are still in service, in some of the latest ships built by UK, and Rolls Royce has tested some of their engines to work with hydrogen.
I think aerospace in general is just waiting for hydrogen to hit mainstream.
I bet they didn't expect it to come from domestic and community solar, but what could be more natural than collecting the energy of the sun exactly as it is offered, distributed, and for free?
Watch what happens when aerospace gets bold enough to start subsidising domestic and community solar hydrogen development :)
BTW, all governments announcing a change to hydrogen would instantly defuse the wars going on, they are all about energy, extracted energy, that is what is driving, and fueling the carnage. If you read Will Lockets latest story it exposes a possible link between oil thought to be beneath Gaza / Palestein, hence why the desperation now. We could stop it, all developing countries, by declaring we are changing direction, removing the market for fossil fuels instantly, therefore nothing to be gained by continuing the carnage.