Good point, thanks for posting. The lockdown exposed so much about bullshit work and jobs. It is such a shame David Graeber was taken from us before he could put the two together. The connection between bullshit jobs / industry, and energy is becoming ever clearer now, and as it does, we see that maybe 80% of all industry comprises it. Driving is mostly bullshit industry. So if we shelled it off (as will happen automatically when we go solar), along with all the other bullshit industry and jobs, our power requirements are slashed to a small fraction of what they were. Definitely well within what we know is possible by solar. And when we add to this that we can actually monetise sunlight, and generate interchangeably hydrogen fuel, and even food, directly from it, the benefits we will see by going solar are huge, almost unimaginable by the current old, broken system.
This is why I remain very optimistic.
P.S. There is one small detail about your recent stories which to me impacts them a little negatively. It is that like pretty much all of mainstream media, you refer to "Putin" in a way which makes it very obvious you never pay any attention to "Their" side of the story, nor care much that they have been banned from speaking it, and us from even hearing it.