Frederick Bott
3 min readJul 11, 2023


Good article, as good as it can be, still hog-tied by the idea of net-zero being something real and achievable. It isn't, but the danger is we could die trying to achieve it, as long as we don't accept the truth, that it is just a profit driven sales pitch, something to keep everyone busy appearing to fix the problem whilst making some profit, keeping folk in jobs, an entire bullshit industry.

The thing to understand, and which is really important, as in your body, in your car, in every electrical circuit, in everything we might interpret as the opposite of entropy, in biological life, in anything that does anything constructive at all with energy, putting it to use which lowers temperature, rather than raising temperature (Basic physics E=MC squared!), more energy than the minimum required to survive is needed by all living things, just like every element in every productive machine, it uses a little, and passes on what is not needed, to all other things needing it.

For-profit business is the opposite of this, every element (Each of us) seeks to maximise our own energy supply by profit, removing the energy needed by others to survive.

It might have been necessary for the species to survive like this for its limited history to date, but now there is no excuse there is massive energy starting to come in from solar, but still we don't monetise it such that it can be passed on to all needing it.

This is what the capitalists still are not getting, the value of capital is already almost zero, relative to the massive value of free energy coming in via domestic and community solar. Those KWhrs are real, as real as any extracted, but even better, they are creation, whilst what we did by extraction was destruction, which means fundamentally they do the opposite of the temperature impulse caused by energy extraction. Efficiency doesn't even matter, if everything we do, anything we do, subtracts from temperature.

Notice it converts also to hydrogen fuel, which functionally replaces all fossile fuels, and even onto food (See "Solein"), removing our load from the conventional food chain, and use of it even filtrates and circulates drinking quality water, and the solution becomes obvious, domestic and community solar hydrogen, enabled by issue of the funds outstanding for historical creation of economic product by solar, all of which should be monetised, and issued. This would enable all people to immediately begin ramping up their community solar hydrogen facilities, confident in the knowledge that by doing this, we would be guaranteeing boosting the overall creation of solar economic product, thus boosting our future financial income to whatever level we want it to be.

As said, forget net zero, it is like trying to suspend a switching transistor midway between one flow of current (Mathematically positive Energy!), and another (Mathematically negative Energy!), impossible to do, and even if we could, highly undesirable, wasting effectively infinite energy, causing effectively infinite temperature rise, which blows transistors, of course it will blow humanity if we don't see sense soon, realising the obsession with carbon and net zero and even studying the climate, are all profit driven working on symptoms, rather then root cause, as needed to fix the problem.

The profit driven "Health Industry" has got away with managing illness forever instead of curing it, thus removing its own source of profit, forever, and because humanity didn't die with those individual wronged, it didn't quite cost the species, but this time, it is the whole of humanity which is at threat of ending itself/ourselves, in the interests of profit, we have to see this to stop it the only way possible, issue the massive stimulus needed to represent solar product creation. This is also the only way to save the value of money, which is coming to represent nothing, whilst the valuable product continues to scale up.

I hope everyone gets this soon.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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