Good answer! Thanks for thinking about it, and responding.
If I am honest, I was a big fan of fusion, and still am from a technical point of view. But I was all for vaccine development also, and wrote positively in Medium for that to start, and cheered it on when it did. But at some point it went from being something being done to save humanity, to something being driven just by profit, it became a business, with all countries then competing against one another, our governments allowed and even encouraged that, and then we saw vaccines being witheld from folk in places like India because of "Intellectual property" concerns. That was the last straw for me. If anything should convince us that we can't be trusted as a species, to do the right thing with centralised power, it was that. Centralised power has to go, it seems to me.
I think this would be a natural outcome of going solar.
I would love to see fusion happen, but not before we get fully equipped to receive as much solar as we could ever need.
Fusion would be awesome still, on spacecraft that might appear shortly after we go solar, my main thrust in medium is how we are not valuing solar correctly, it can actually be the source of unlimited UBI, and unlimited funding for all projects, including even fusion, which I think would still be done, but just in a different conceptual framework than just for profit, it seems to me.