"GMO seeds have increased yields and saved millions of lives, but now their copyrights have become a capitalist nightmare."
...they were always a problem in developing countries, they were designed to only work once, loss leaders given for free, ruining the land to be seeded for any other kind of crop, then sold at gouged prices thereafter, just like profit driven pharma.
"Cracking the atom creates huge amounts of fossil-fuel-free power, but when weaponized, has the ability to wipe out every living thing on planet earth"
...I am an Engineer, with experience and historical patents in the elctrical uitlities industry, and to me it is very obvious there never was a business case in nuclear power for utilities, it is never made safe, all plants, there has never been a nuclear plant made safe yet, as to do so would reverse all investment made. The real business in nuclear, is the weapons technology.
"Debt allowed humanity to leverage hope and make a huge leap forward in our collective standard of living, but now we’ve passed the point of economic efficiency and it’s become a noose around our necks."
...Debt is what has always committed us to slavery, and now also planetary destruction. We are effectively promising to extract for the foreseeable future every time a new loan agreement is taken out. Anyone who never qualified for a loan never started a business, so an infinity of good ideas has been lost. Why should any human have power over others, to decide what the others will, and won’t work on? Nikolai Tesla was working on free power by a kind of solar energy collector that we still don’t understand, with a transmission system including internet-like connectivity, until he was de-funded by JP Morgan, Tesla’s only funder, around 120 years ago.
Imagine how different things might be now, if JP Morgan had not had control over Tesla. He and Einstein, and all the other lost geniuses might have been still with us now, flying to the stars, instead of us having had two world wars and nuclear weapons, and all the other bad stuff that has happened, and is still happening.
All of that can and will change, when we go to valuing the live energy of the sun above all other things. It is happening, because we have to, there is no other option, no other source of energy. Without it, we can’t continue, not even for another ten years, as far as I can see.
The El Salvador affair might well be the end of Bitcoin, but it isn't the end of proof of work tokens, or the Money-fuel Tree.