Frederick Bott
4 min readSep 21, 2023


Glad you are saying this about economics and money Ray, thanks for saying it. I hope we don't throw out the baby with the bathwater though.

Money is the only energy transport mechanism we have, to transport to each of us (At least those not directly working the land for food), the energy we each need to metabolise, about 150 Joules per second, 24/7, to live.

My own conclusions are that this is an energy problem, Earth is like a battery trickle charged by the sun, and we've rapidly discharged it, using pretty much exclusively the mechanism of profit.

This battery charge is creation, the more creation we have, the less the temperature driver there is, which is basically just how effectively the energy of the sun is being put to use.

A high level of creative processes going on has to use more energy that would otherwise become heat, than less creative processes going on.

The high presence of nature on the planet is what keeps it cool.

The result of us extracting is to remove the energy from all creation, eventually throwing it away as heat.

Now we lost a load of creation, the temperature is ramping up, towards the limit of life, which is the point at which all nature on the planet basically self ignites. The forest fires are just the first warnings of that, but if it continues it has to end in something like an explosion. Meantiime we have all the other effects of the temperature rise like extreme changes of pressure (Which could go towards explaining higher frequency of Earthquakes and volcanoes)

Pretty horrendous thought, I know, but the scariest thing to me personally is that even conventional science appears to draw the line at pointing that out, maybe it sounds too religious, or they are hoping there is some kind of natural limiting process at work that will somehow ward off the worst outcome maybe, or they are just driven by profit like everyone else.

As far as the economy goes, money is energy, always. When money makes money, the extra energy in the extra money had to come from somewhere. Currently this is Earth, always energy from Earth, it is literally ripped off in a kind of energy sleight of hand, in every profitable transaction, and chain of transactions.

When a platform, company, or body, or government, or community, or individual charges for what they supply, holding it for ransom, only letting it go when payment is received, as everyone actually must, to survive, except those at "the top" as things stand, what they/we are actually doing is taking energy from whoever needs whatever it is they/we are offering. The person losing energy then has to turn to others, their customers to reagain the energy lost. This propagates down every supply chain to eventually become energy that someone demands of Earth, by doing a little work for it, they demand a lot more back out. This is where the energy con starts, and then propagates all the way up the chain to whoever is sitting at the top, already holding the most stored energy in the chain, putting a little money in, to get a lot more back out. This is the essence of colonialsim and slavery in terms of energy.

What we are doing, by this is using money as a weapon. We are using it to deprive of energy, rather than to supply energy. We are literally working non stop to try to starve one another of energy, the same energy as we each need to survive 24/7.

This is the opposite of empowerment, we might call it depowerment. When we see this, maybe we start to understand why, as the source energy from the planet gets more and more scarce, more and more difficult to obtain, the tension in all chains is at breaking point. Profit, if we are honest, is becoming more and more difficult.

Anyhow, sorry already long explanation, before even getting to the point, but I hope it helps complement your own thoughts.

The point is that we can instantly put this lumbering profit and extraction juggernaut we created into reverse, very quickly and very simply.

All we need to do is start issuing money representing the historical economic product created from solar, as a kind of solar indexed UBI.

By that, immediately we empower everyone to start doing the right thing, incentivising all to work as one in creative mode, for the first time in history.

With that we will have a second energy rennaissance, there is ltierally nothing that can't be done in that mode.

Cures for cancer, diabetes, covid, everything that was never fixed because if it was fixed, profit would stop.

Instant end to all wars.

Actually an instant end to pretty much all the evil we are seeing.

Criminals would be paid enough to stop gonig to the trouble of committing crime. Law and order as it was in the old world could be instantly disbanded. The list of benefits is never ending, we could go on forever listing them.

Personally I think this is what has to happen, and it will, forced by nature.

Inflation is the thing affecting money until then.

That is the result of money still only issued to represent dwindling extracted energy (Money as debt - promises to do the work of extraction), whilst the real energy of value continues to scale up, domestic and community solar.

Until this is issued as solar indexed UBI, money has to devalue, to nothing if they let it.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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