Given solar hydrogen is the only thing we can replace fossil fuels with, which will at the same time reverse the damage done by fossil fuels: All domestic and community solr installations need to use hydrogen as their main backup store of energy, since the overflow from that, distributed across the population, is how to get the volumes needed for all transportation including air transport (air transportation can't run on batteries)
Each domestic installation has ot have an electrolyser, a storage tank, a fuel cell, and a dispensing point to dispense their excess hydrogen, which will happen if their installation generates enough hydrogen to maintain their local microgrid. What is not immediately obvious is when these components are put together as a system, there has to be a pump, to pressurise the hydrogen put into the tank from the electolyser, so as to (a) be able to minimise the size of the tank, but (b) to be able to refuel cars, which have also have high pressure tanks, for the same reason, to minimise tank size.
This is a surprise, because the system pressure could have been, and probably was predicted by hydrogen system specialists a very long time ago, but the research done towards this looks like zero, compared with what has obviously been done on standalone fuel cells and electrolysers, they have come on in leaps and bounds, but there was electrochemical pumping research, started as early as 2006 which should have happened as an integrated part of that, to ensure that the membrane of the electrolyser would output hydrogen at high enough pressure for a typical system, without requiring a pump, but this research seems to have stopped, probably defunded. I was trying in the conversation with ChatGPT to expose why that might have been, because I believe it is something that was probably deliberately defunded by hydrogen project funders, who have to date been mostly fossil fuel companies.
Research like this is only good if it helps produce a working system, but it can only be as good as the weakest link in the chain, and no-one seems to have spotted, or been bothered by the lack of pumping capability in the chain.
Anyhow the pumping of the hydrogen is what takes it from being something that does not compare well with fossil fuels, in terms of power-to-volume, to something that totally kicks the ass of fossil fuels in terms of power-to-mass, this is what the fossil fuels industry would not have wanted - an alternative fuel that has even more punch than fossil fuels.
They might have thought they had completely destroyed all chances of hydrogen feasibility by sabotaging the development of hydrogen pumping tech, but they would not have foreseen the economic changes which will come in hand in hand with using solar, that is a change of money, from being issued as debt, to being issued as permanent solar indexed stimulus. This means we will not really care so much about profit, therefore up front costs can be much higher, and similarly we will not be so interested in efficiency, because we are not so interested in profit, the most important factor is that we just use solar, as much of it as we can, to have maximum effect of reversing temperature rise.
So the conclusion is that we have to have extra pumping in the system, which impacts both efficiency and cost. But this doesn't make it unviable, for the reasons explained about money, it just means we could do better, if the pumping technology was already done. So the conclusion with ChatGPT is just to use what the industry has made available for pumping, which is a very contrived, overly complex scheme of powering the pump by an external air compressor - this seems ridiculous to me, it is crazy to think a domestic installation might put up with the noise and expense of an industrial air compressor just to power another pump, pumping hydrogen, when it could have been just a specialised, approved electrically driven standalone hydrogen pump. See how it gets more and more ridiculous, and actually suspicious, the deeper we dig there?
Again I think there will have been lobbying done by fossil fuel companies to say hydrogen is so "much more dangerous" than fossill fuels, ensuring that only air pumped pumps would be acceptable for safety standards. But there are electrically powered pumps for use in other explosive atmospheres, there is no reason to single out hydrogen pumping as more dangerous. An explosion is an explosion, just as unaceeptable by fossil fuels as by hydrogen.
Anyhow ChatGPT shows it is heavily biased with the misconceptions caused by nearly thirty years of research on it being completely dominated by fossil fuel companies. I had quite a battle with it, to get it to accept there might be a simple quick dirty way to liquefy hydrogen, there appears no physical reason why no pump has been developed for this, I see it as purely commercial, because nobody wanted to threaten the sales of big oil.
The conclusion is we can still do it, but the first installations are going to look crazily overcomplicated, whilst we hopefully rapidly develop an intermediate pump to do the work that the electrolyser membrane should have done, but which removes the need for a crazy compressed air pumping system, to power an air driven hydrogen pump
This affects the series I had underway, detailing the installations using DMN, a little, it will put a few weeks more on the time it will take me to do the solution modeling, the development path for the intermediate pump now needs to be identified.
The devil is always in the detail, but it won't stop anything, just makes it take a little longer.