Getting this part wrong, leads us to wonder what else you might have wrong.
There is no such thing as renewable energy, so it is a complete misconception to believe or claim rare earth materials are associated in any way.
Truly sustainable energy, in fact actual energy rather than fuel, comes from the sun, only the sun.
The panels needed to receive it by today's technology do not use or require significant rare Earth materials. The electrolysis equipment to convert it to clean hydrogen fuel do not require or use significant rare Earth materials.
The tanks used to store hydrogen do not need or require significant rare Earth materials.
The fuel cells used to convert hydrogen back to electricity, clean water, and pure oxygen (no pollution!), do not require or use significant rare Earth materials.
There I just described the only energy chain needed, and actually in process of removing us completely from being a burden on Earth, converting us from being something destructive as a species, continuously subtracting from Earth, to something constructive, continuously adding to Earth, and it does not involve significant rare Earth materials, or batteries.
EVs can be converted to HEVs instantly, becoming instantly refuel able, from hydrogen generated by every domestic and community solar installation, on every street corner, when that is funded to completion.
Funding to completion requires we issue money on the solar product already used since beginning putting solar to significant economic use, around 2005. In UK alone this stood at around 457bn, 50 Bn being added in 2022 alone.
In 2023, 160 Bn is likely to be added.
Refusal to issue this money, is what is actually driving inflation, an actual unarguable, physical process driven by nature.
That is our reward for not being honest about the value of actual energy, from the only actual source of it, rather than from a source of fuel.
To be honest about it, free money has to be issued to reflect the free product put to use.
We have to monetise Joules, not capital.
Capital is stored energy, not live energy.
Capital becomes worthless in presence of effectively unlimited free energy.
The actual motion of a machine, any machine, happens as a result of the energy passing through it, in process of conversion, rather than what is stored in any tank or resorvoir.
You are demonstrating the typical profit driven mindset, the typical investor mindset that we are all conditioned to have.
That mindset is entirely dependent on energy by extraction, energy from our planet, energy storage by batteries, profit from rare Earth materials, and ultimately, war.
In short, destruction.
Hence the reason why you don't know the real reason for inflation, but are more interested in targeting who we will be at war with next, to try to protect the profit driven / investor way of life.
Technical capitalism is the thing physically ending.
We are moving now from that, to technical Energyism, driven by nature, using the weapon of inflation.
This is what you need to open your eyes to see, it seems to me.
The Saudis, and the Chinese are leading in research and commercialisation of everything I've mentioned here.
To compete with them, and actually beat them hands down, economically, all we need to do is start being honest about solar product, and begin monetising it.
By that, we will start the real final race, the race to become the first to be wholly energy independent of any other country.
I hope you might talk more about that, someday soon.