Getting down onto the detail is good, sometimes, if or when that doesn't detract from the bigger issue.
The bigger issue is the damage being done to the planet, as a result of the energy con of profit.
Expecting and thinking it's just fine to get more back out than we put in, is what keeps us locked into doing it to the planet.
So we will see increasingly more temperature rise, loss of value in money, and atrocity.
If it hadn't kicked off in Ukraine and Gaza, it would have been somewhere else. Has been anyway, in places we never paid much attention to. Yemen for example but there are many.
This is the basic instinct when we realise its all running short, we respond by looking for folk and tribes to cull.
So it's an energy problem we are dealing with, and as long as we keep trying to fix it with profit, nothing is fixed, it has to keep getting worse.
This is absolutely physical, if we don't get killed by a war, we will be killed by the environment becoming nonexistent.
Its all down to our mistreatment of energy, using it to destroy rather than create.
Will we ever open our eyes to that?