From the pov of energy, it's the end of mathematically negative energy use by humanity, but it's the beginning of mathematically positive energy use.
We can't carry on in mathematically negative mode, monetising destruction, the difficulty of extraction is increasing, whilst relentlessly increasing free unmonetised energy product from sun pours into the economy.
If we look at nature we might see this is a very similar scenario as has to be encountered in every plant, at the time it first forms leaves, the nutrients flowing in the plant was from Earth into plant until it formed leaves, then afterwards it's from leaves to Earth, in response to joules/KWhrs received by the leaves thereafter.
This is a big deal, because in the transition, from negative flow, to positive flow, the net flow of energy needs to go through zero, which will be impossible to do gradually because obviously we need constant, always on energy to live.
So there has to a short circuit made, to leap through zero energy flow.
I suggest we do that by issue of solar indexed stimulus. This would be us starting to issue money for the KWhrs received by our leaves, like a plant has to do, when it forms leaves.
We might see the birth of anything, from a juvenile state, dependent on extraction, to an adult state, no longer dependent on energy extracted from mother host, or egg, but dependent instead on the greater energy availability of the environment.
If this is the case, then we are simply being born as a species, and it has to be the most natural thing, why would we expect anything not to be born.
Imagine, if a plant didn't start to issue nutrients in response to the energy on its leaves, it would die, rather than be born.
But we never see that, there is no known instance of it.
So why should we assume humanity will fail?