From near Glasgow Des. I have a daughter. So do you I gather, more than one.
Mine is 19, at Uni. We talk. She tells me some experiences she and all her friends have, of guys throwing their weight around, both physically and psychologically, dressed as girls, claiming to be girls.
She and her friends experience this throughout everything they do, going clubbing, going to school, going to uni, going to work, going shopping, guys dressed as girls in their presence, dominating their space, queue jumping, physically pushing them around when they dare to challenge.
I had a partner for while, we might describe her as an alpha female. She was of Latin descent, all adrenaline, and all girl. We had separate encounters with an individual who we might say was a neighbor, who was dressed as a woman but clearly a man. In these encounters, we both separately upset said individual in the same way, by encountering them unexpectedly on a blind bend one-way controlled by defective traffic lights.
His reaction to my partner was to physically threaten her with full-on male aggression.
His reaction to me was the opposite, like he was scared of me.
I take that as cowardice, he was inclined to attack a female, but not a male.
How will you feel, when one or more of your daughters doing karate or judo gets whupped by a boy, dressed as a girl, practicing the same martial arts as they, but with more physical strength?