Formal Systems Engineering, is a discipline in which I've found myself a longstanding practitioner. It is used to realise most of the larger physical systems we see implemented. It demands integration of both philosophical and scientific principles.
So it makes no sense to me that science and philosophy can be detached and considered separately in any useful way.
Personally I think education has become a disconnected set of almost rival disciplines for purely profit driven reasons.
In the end, to do anything useful with them, we have to stitch them all together using the discipline of systems Engineering, which includes a stakeholder analysis, which is essentially a study to determine what motivates / drives each stakeholder.
The stakeholder analysis has to precede all other considerations, this the thing needed to establish what is the need for the system, the system requirements.
What keeps coming round, is the requirement for profit, driving seemingly all things.
An awareness of this seems to have been lost, as the result of the separation and compartmentalisation of disciplines.
But we become acutely aware of it in analysing the global energy problem, as well as noticing some very unhealthy, even physically existential modern misconceptions about the relationship between us (humanity) and nature.
It seems bizarre to me to say civilisation is an attempt to enslave nature, is this really a common view of philosophy? If it was so we would be dead already.
Nature, always the primary stakeholder in a survivable system, doesn't take any prisoners.
We either work with it or burn, as we are seeing.
If enslavement of nature is really how we define civilisation, it is no wonder we are in big trouble, imho.