For sure we need to concentrate on one solution, there is only one, it's actually dictated by a full analysis of all stakeholders. The reason you might not be aware of it is that it's buried by an active systemic intelligence that long pre-dates the Ai we know in silicon, this one is us, acting as self programmed, as surely as any explicit Ai in silicon, it's what is really in charge, it never was humans, and it exists solely on mathematically negative energy. At its heart is a dishonesty, the energy lie of profit, upon which all other lies, and actually all politics, and most of economics is built.
The only energy that can be used to give temperature reduction, is solar, mathematically positive energy, the only on added to the planet by an external source, again the only one there being the sun.
We need to put it to use by monetising it, instead of the energy of destruction, which is only monetised by profit.
Its profit that needs to stop, not just fossil fuels, but everything that was monetised by profit.
Domestic and community based solar hydrogen production is what needs to be encouraged and incentivised by issue of solar indexed stimulus.
The truth is we are suffering now by something that is fully optional, we are pregressively impoverishing firstly ourselves by energy scarcity enforcement, and that knocks onto ultimately the planet.
It has to be not only stopped but reversed, the only way it can be, if we are to have any future at all.
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