For sure I agree monotheism is not ideal, and can't be, hence why I would say we need to tie it in with some of the more inclusive multitheistic religions as a modeling architectural framework. They can then all be loosely applied, in the same way as industrial standards are used in System Models, in a way that in some situations a rule in religion A applies, and others a rule in religion B, still others a rule in religion C and so on, if all of the concepts are traced, there is no need to work out what logic applies when, it comes out as a natural part of the operation of the system. We do this with industrial standards applied to systems, especially aeronautical, the various standards applicable from around the world can all be applied to a system intended to go anywhere, it needs to satisfy all of them. It can be thought of as similar to layered grids with holes cut in all shapes and sizes in each grid, a pin moving around in any of the holes has freedom to move in any direction, but will be restricted at some point by the edges of a hole in one grid or another, different grids apply in different directions.
The reason I think it is necessary to try to tie in religions with science is that it is becoming more and more apparent that there is a definite relationship between the rules and warnings of religion which we are finding are true by trial and error, nature is kicking our ass for breaking these rules, there are always consequences on the environment for all of the rule breaking. The dependent relationship between money as debt, and fossil fuels extraction is a good examle. The thing is that these warnings and directions make it pretty clear there are existential consequences of not heeding their advice, and it all boils down to how we should be handling energy.