For me, a non specialist (a simpleton!), it makes simplest sense to discuss things like this in terms of Metcalfe's law.
Increase the connectivity, and the Metcalfe calculation result improves.
So a rule of thumb is anything improving the Metcalfe resullt is good, whilst anything making it worse is bad.
Clustering, cancellation, social bubbles, sanctioning, for example are all bad, no exceptions.
All of them are driven by the need for platforms to maximise profits, where those profits are always expected to come from users.
So removing the need for platforms to maximise profits for survival is key to removing all of the problems negatively affecting Metcalfe's law, since by that, incentives change.
Platforms can do this at cost of the expenditure needed to make the platform energy independent.
The expenditure needed involves purchase and installation of the solar hydrogen hardware necessary to power the platform servers 24/7, plus a small margin.
This removes the platform overheads, which are mainly energy bills, and thus the need for the platform to return profit to remain solvent.
In the case that the platform still "Owes" investor returns, the installation margin can be expanded as necessary to pay off the returns by generating excess hydrogen which is a valuable clean fuel, this then selling in markets.
That done, the platform can ditch all advertising, and all algorithms shaping traffic and trafficking shaping architecture (such as clustering and resulting social bubbles), thus removing all things negatively affecting Metcalfe's law.
The first platform to do this will have massive competive advantage over all others, due to having massively improved Metcalfe's law, since this is a proven defintion of the platform value.
If the platform is lucky enough to be able to expand its solar hydrogen complement to include paying some free stipend to users of the platform then we are likely to see the first ever appearance of a Metcalfe utility factor of greater than unity.
In technical terms that would seem something like a miracle, a little like oil prices going negative.
Personally I think we will see this, it is coming with the same energy revolution that caused oil prices to go negative - domestic and community solar hydrogen - distributed power for distributed platforms.
Watch that space, I would say...