Food from solar - see "Solein"
Fuel from solar, see "Enapter"
Did you know EVs are easily convertible to run on hydrogen, by swapping out the toxic battery for a reversible fuel cell? Also all internal combustion engines are easily convertible to run on hydrogen.
With free money from solar, every community will see a common financial incentive to install as much solar capacity with hydrogen backup as possible, to increase the solar stipend available to all people. All communities can then contribute a net surplus of hydrogen (Beyond their own backup needs), to the transportation industry.
There is no shortage of technology to do all of this, all we need to get started is the free money, as expleined in my other response, watch that space, its coming soon, I believe, but it will never be admitted until it is actually issued, because with that, they will be relinquishing all ability to control by capital.