Folk are missing the point of hydrogen by trying to compare it with oil and gas fuels. This is useless distraction, unfortunately.
The hidden power of hydrogen is that it is a real energy intermediary, a medium of transport of energy that will do far more for humanity than oil ever did, with no per-Joule pollution in any chain of production, provided the source Joules are from solar, who cares how much is "wasted", if the waste is not harmful, usually useful, never any kind of pollution, and the hydrogen being valuable product converts to money which can be used to maintain and even scale up solar receiving infrastructure.
So in the end, per-Joule hydrogen losses can be compensated by just scaling up the input solar infrastructure, and this is effectively free to do.
It does frustrate me a little that investors interpret articles like this, probably produced by other investors, as technical data.
It isn't technical data at all, it is actually an advertisement, for fossil fuels.