Focussing on a comparison between coal and windfarms has limited use I would say, the whole global system including economics is a much bigger picture, the one that really needs fixing, to fix all others.
But your post is interesting all the same, thanks for posting.
Something that seems at the heart of all energy issues, is our tendency to always discuss energy in terms of fixed quantities, for example KWh.
A KWh is a fixed number of Joules.
When we do that, we unconsciously think of it only in terms of stored quantities, exchangeable with capital.
Even in real time measurements of energy being used, we still see it expressed in those terms, when actually it should make more sense to express as a rate of energy flow, like Watts (Joules per second).
Then we might notice more that energy stored is not the thing of interest, but its dynamic function, which is much more important.
We are obsessed with stored energy, since that has been pretty much what has exclusively supplied the needs of humanity to date.
There is no difference between wind power, and coal power, from that point of view, they are both methods of extracting stored energy from Earth.
Both are forms of secondhand energy.
And yet the dynamic, constantly flowing energy of the sun is where it all came from, firsthand.
Fixing the problem seems just a matter of recognising that, I think, since then we will finally switch to the only truly sustainable form energy, firsthand, from the sun.
To do that, we need to get over our fixation with capital, which in the end can only represent secondhand energy, not firsthand.