Feynman is obviously a high profile historical hero of science, It is a shame no-one seems to have drilled into the full meaning of what he said there, it should have been something that would have prevented solar being bundled together with "sources" of energy from Earth by economissts, they were obviously never contradicted by scientiests who should have put them right before it became something existential, I think.
It is difficult to overestimate the extent by which that fundamental error makes, to the way we think, it seems to me.
Even the big bang theory has added weaknesses, when we accept that all energy on Earth came from the sun, as the Systems analysis indicates it has to be, the only way it all adds up. It makes no sense to think that there are energy sources on Earth which are just as valid as the sun, which is what is implied by big bang accretion theory, it just doesn't add up.
Further, if we look at the orbital kinetics of Earth, those too make far more sense if we model them as coming from the sun, when we were probably ejected as volcanic mass at some time in the past.
The reason this is so important is that we can see how to fix much of the damage done so far, during our period of living on extracted energy, effectively we can put back Joules we took out fairly easily, but putting back Joules taken from geothermal, or rotational motion, is far more tricky. And if we ever upset Earth's orbital equilibrium by changing the balance of forces acting there, by say increasig the reflectivity of Earth, as we seem tempted to do by GeoEngineering , then we lose the sun forever, within only a few years.
So we have to conclude it is really important to educate folk as soon as possible, to be aware of the dangers, and just stop considering them.
Very frustrating when we know that the sun is perfectly adequate for all things, no need for nuclear, or geo