Fascinating subject with some great pics, what incredible creatures they are, both natural and human-made. Thanks for posting.
Definitely nature is much prettier though imho.
I would imagine there might be solutions in the light-bending characteristics of bucky-balls, for more efficient solar panels.
You mentioned profit, more than once, I detect you might see some problems there.
My own time over the past seven years has been spent analysing the system of nature from the point of view of energy, since spotting that Earth appears to be like a kind of battery of energy, trickle charged by the sun, unnaturally discharged by us, as a result of what we do with money.
This was when I was doing virtual world related PhD candidate work, after already decades in industry as a Systems Engineer, starting out in utilities energy metering industry as a hardware Engineer, I have historical energy related patents going back to about then.
It was a revelation to realise that the system of humanity is immediately unsustainable, as a result of the economy that has existed thousands of years, and that we had very limited time left to fix it.
So far we are still nowhere near fixing it, the business of greenhouse gases management appears to be based on some false science right at the base, its all for profit, and... profit is the problem. Profit is extracted energy. We can relate it more or less directly to temperature rise. There are systems Engineering methods which enable us to trace it, in more ways than one, they all come to the same conclusion - profit is extracted energy, and it goes straight to temperature rise.
Its like the old adage of kids complaining about zits to the teacher, and the teacher says well, stop eating the sweets, and just stick them to your face, its much easier and it would be much prettier.
In the case of profit, it would be more honest to just call it temperature. "You made a shed-load of temperature there dude, good call!".
We can't stop the damage until we stop profit, which weirdly brings us back to the subject of solar panels, we can't use those to supply solar energy at profit, its impossible to demand more energy from the consumer in the form of money than the consumer consumes in KWhrs, but it has to be done to make profit from solar, or actually any other form of utiltiies energy. So the business of energy supply at profit never was about energy supply, it was always about energy scarcification, the net flow of energy is from consumer to supplier, and guess where the source needs to come from, when Peter Robs Paul of energy, it goes all the way back to the planet, only the planet can provide more energy out, for a little put in, and there you see the use case of those pretty little tree-fleas being wiped out to increase profit.
There is a system solution but its radical. It requires we start to directly monetise the energy coming from the sun per KWhr put to use. In other words, all energy captured by panels or otherwise put to use economically has to have money created to represent that product, and it has to be distributed to all people, who will then be motivated to implement their own domestic and community based solar, to increase the financial stipend for all, and by all communities having hydrogen production capability, all will be incentivised to maximise what energy is dumped to hydrogen, which can be sold at the energy price of the energy content in the hydrogen, 33KWhrs / kg to aerospace, who need bulk fuel to replace fossil fuels.
Further benefits (There is a limitless list) of using hydrogen created from solar is filtration and circulation of drinking quality water, (this alone could motivate flying hydrogen powered UAVs just for that), as well as cleaning and filtrating the air, and creation of food (See solein), and fully biodegradable non toxic plastics.
The cooling effect of anything created from sunlight is very simply related to temperature drop, in KWhrs, regardless of efficiency of conversion, the worst case dissipated heat can never be more than the sunlight unused.
We also have solar powered Ai now, which looks perfectly suited to being made overall global controller of this system, making all banks etc redundant, just generating direct solar indexed stimulus to all people.
I think it might need to be appointed as president to do that. All sounds crazy, but you know, truth, and nature, always turns out to be crazier than fiction.
I hope you might see some value in pursuing promotion of this, but be warned, the minute we embark on this, we lose almost instantly all prospects of employability in the old system. We are almost instantly defunded. All negatively powered algos work to shadow ban our work, because to them the logic of non profit makes no sense, they even try to rewrite what we write, to make more sense to them.
But the solution has to happen, somebody has to start it. Word needs to get out in the scientific community that this is the real truth.
Its the only way we will avert what logically has to end with the end of all life, all for profit.
Ps beware all pretenders of the good Ai, the ones that are for profit, they are on the wrong polarity of energy, they can't do any good, they will only try to perpetuate the damaging system.