Fascinating info on bacterial oil production, thanks for that, I agree probably oil companies have bought and suppressed the technology.
Have you seen also "Solein"?
I disagree your assertion that "Nothing is for free" though.
The energy from the sun is for free, and since that created everything we know, everything is for free.
Everything in exchange for something else is a human construct, created by those in control, to make us believe we are only entitled to a living if we work for it.
That is because the energy "sources" which they control all require labor of extraction, and we have to eternally commit to that labor to have the energy we need to live.
But using energy pushed to us for free hacks that old system of debt and slavery.
And we are starting to use it, lots of it, tens of GigaJoules per second in every developed country.
But notice we only issue money representing a fixed number of Joules, equating to a fixed amount labor, or materials, and yet the energy from the sun is a rate of Joules, which eqates to a rate of materials, or labor.
We might notice mathematically, this is comparison of a constant, with a function of time.
In time, the time dependent term has to outweigh the value of the constant term. In fact the constant term devalues to zero, in the presence of a time dependent, increasing function.
Hence the fundamental reason why money is devaluing, to date, all it represents is capital.
And yet we are receiving tens of GigaJoules per second of solar energy in every country.
See the problem?
It isn't our problem to fix, only the money issuers can fix it.
To fix it, they have to start issuing money representing that energy received, and since the energy was donated, the money has to be donated, to accurately and honestly represent the energy received, otherwise their money will continue to devalue.
How about that, for the grand game of chess being played by nature, she is at check, with one move to mate.
They have to let their money go, for it to continue to be worth anything. They have no choice in that, now that there is physically no longer a fixed capital base.
Watch that space, I would say :)