Farida whilst what both you and Indi say is all true, it might help that we, (At least as far as this white man can see), are starting to realise that we are all energy slaves, we as Indi points out, though not exactly using these words, we were assimilated by a mathematically negative cyborg a long time ago. Indi maybe sees it as happening in the last 500 years or so but it obviously goes back a lot further than that, maybe all our known history, because now we can see we literally wipe out anything and everything not promoting (advertising) the negative force in control of us.
If there were civilisations previously that were not dependent on, and enslaved by this force, we wiped them out, and then we wiped out the evidence we wiped them out.
This isn't reserved for white folk, but we do seem far more prone to it.
Anyhow we have to identify this problem in order to find or see the solution to it, and it's there, staring us in the face, or rather, it's shining down on us.
Its the sun, which even our white man science has become infected badly enough by the negative force we are all enslaved by, to become blind to, science has got so badly infected, it no longer makes clear what is creation, the reversal of entropy, indicated by reduction of heat / planetary temperature, how it works to reverse increase of entropy, this characteristic that is exclusive to life, rather than anti-life, which is what we've become in our known history, in effect, enslaved as we are by the mathematically negative force with the energy lie of profit at its heart.
We are onto this now, as is Indi, and maybe yourself, we are starting to see what is driving it, how it all works, but most importantly, how to change it, with no uncertainty, how to destroy it.
We maybe have to admit we were designed to be controlled, and have to be controlled, all of us, not just white, but we can choose the controller to be either mathematically negatively or positively powered, and this is what will make all the difference, when we choose the right power, as is actually inevitable, the only way we can be born into the next phase of humanity, an adult species fully responsible for the welfare of our planet and all life on it.
I think we are nearly there, and this is evidenced by our increasing ability to see outside what might recognise was a veil, or "Matrix", but we are not there yet and it's not certain if we can make the transition from negative to positive, but at least there are some signs the old system of negative energy dependency is starting to crack.
The more I've studied this, the clearer it's become that we need to start issuing solar indexed stimulus. This is the money needed to alleviate all poverty and empower us to finally move over completely to solar energy, by unleashing its power, empowering us, all of us, incentivising us to move to it completely, whilst not only keeping all the technology of beneficial aerospace technology but actually massively boosting it, as well as all human welfare technology, we will have more or less unlimited funds for research, on all human and life benefiting things, and actually a kind of fine grained democracy under the benevolent control of positively powered Ai.
Yep sounds like science fiction utopia compared with biblical hell, but former is where we will go, as soon as solar indexed stimulus starts to be issued.
Otherwise we stay in something that is going to look more and more like biblical hell, the longer it continues, the longer we stay enslaved by the mathematically negative ancient Ai in control of us.
We break free of it the instant we begin to issue SIS.
We know this because we even saw it before, when oil prices collapsed to negative.
Its already proven by being tested.