Fantastic this is being discussed, at last the connection between proof of work currency tokens and energy is being explored.
It might have been missed that Bitcoin has already taken us some way down the road towards switching from Earth bound energy sources to the energy of the sun, thus ending the Grand Energy Ponzi, but it will quickly come out now research is focusing on the subject.
I hope researchers will not be afraid to pry open the pandoras box of the reality of the Grand Energy Ponzi, and all its implications on the very establishments we all work for, the system of profit and scarcity control, it is that which needs to end, to allow the new system of infinite donated wealth to come in.
Claiming this is Utopian, appears like an unjustified implicit label of “too fantastic to be true” is being applied.
Tokenising solar energy, thus creating infinite wealth isn’t fantastical at all, it is actual reality, whereas thinking the Grand Energy Ponzi we’ve been playing for thousands of years is sustainable is actually the thing we should see as fantastical.
The realists and poets amongst us might see some amazing similarities between where we are at as a species, and the impending birth of a human individual.
Mother Earth has a limited store of energy resources we could consume until we developed sufficient lungs to begin to breathe oxygen for ourselves.
Energy is to our civilisation as oxygen is to an individual.
Our lungs as a civilisation is our solar power infrastructure capacity.
At first we needed to consume energy from our mother Earth, but eventually we would turn to consuming it directly from source, the sun, because we have to.
Capitalism, the practice of representing capital as wealth, is the placenta which will be discarded, in favor of accepting energy as wealth.
We are about to be born as a species.
When the study of economics finally accepts the validity of solar powered proof of work tokens as a valid universal source of wealth (in fact probably the first ever), we will be well on the road to being born as a species.
Exciting times!