Fantastic stuff Ricky, thanks for posting, another article worthy of being incorporated in the global energy model, imho, even if you are still talking about renewables and greenhouse gases, instead of just solar :)
How the system solution of domestic and community based solar hydrogen with solar indexed stimulus would affect it, assuming India also went with the solution, is that we would see many of the journeys currently done by trucks, being done instead by small, probably autonomous, hydrogen powered aircraft.
Hydrogen is required, rather than batteries, because fuel is needed, not batteries, to maximise onboard energy mass-density, as necessary for longer distance air travel with any cargo and/or passenger volumes.
For fruit freight traval abroad, there is actually a new use case for revival of supersonic commercial aircraft like concorde, which seemed extravagent in its heyday during peak oil profits, but in the scenario of solar powered everything, there is no reason why not to use its short transit capability for the seemingly relatively low value of fruit, as it was in the old system.
In the new system, it would be a perfectly fine project, to revive something like concorde (For which Rolls Royce have deliberately preserved the engines for, and tested hydrogen powered aero engines for in general), just for the use case of most effectively flying fruit from places of produce, to places of consumption, and none of this would add any temperature, it would all still have negative temperature impact overall, because all of the energy used is from the mathematically positive energy source of the sun, everythign produced is true creation, reduction of entropy.
The hydrogen for these aircraft would be produced by the public via domestic and community based solar hydrogen production, which the public would be incentivised to do, by sales of hydrogen to the aircraft / aerospace industry, and by solar indexed stimulus. Both of those would be maximised by the public increasing capacity of hydrogen generation, which could be scaled up more or less for free, given existing revenue already for earlier hydrogen sales. Of course they would have aircon, but in addition, refrigerated EV or HEV trucks with adequate solar power at the input to the system could easily be provided, there would be funds to do all of that, by solar indexed stimulus, the truck companies and operators themselves being yet more solar hydrogen communities.
Finally, the cherry on the cake, of the solar hydrogen indexed stimulus economy, is production of "Solein", which would remove at least part of the load of humanity from the conventional food chain. The input energy component of Solein is hydrogen.
Again, all of it would reduce entropy and thus temperature.
We could start this system tomorrow, if solar indexed stimulus was started tomorrow, in a similar way as stimulus was issued during covid, immediately pushing oil prices negative, but this time the stimulus left on, because the rise in value of currency that we saw then, is perfectly sustainable, given there is already hundreds of billions of solar created economic product which is unmonetised by money-as-debt, and this is with the current coverage of solar being at only 30%.
With 100% percent converage, we would see turnovers of many trillions per year in every developed country.
Further, all the bullshit industry benefiting no-one but existing just to make profit (Thus pushing up temperature by the energy in profit being extracted from the planet), would just stop. Why would we bother with it, if we didn't have to?