Fair enough, thanks for posting.
Something you missed is the driver of profit.
Women necessarily have a lot of protection against violent or aggressive men, both explicitly by the legal system and implicitly by society (Men just should never hit, hit on, or be generally not nice to WOMEN) {My Android phone just capitalised the word women there, but not the word men, I wonder why}
Now there are many ways women can use this system bias, to better their lot financially, and to me it looks like this is being accepted by society as fair play, as difficulty of making profit increases, due to the underlying problem of increasing difficulty of energy extraction, we have an ever increasing cost of living crisis which we are unconsciously responding to, by allowing our values to change over time, in a way that we now don't see anything wrong with women using whatever means they can to better their lot, even when it means men generally lose. This has moved now in a way that even the mildest of men can be accused of taking advantage of, or trying to take advantage of a woman in especially in workplaces, now it is something unheard of, for a hetero couple to meet in the workplace, whereas historically lots of marriages used to start at work (As well as lots of affairs!). Now I think no man would dare approach a woman in the workplace for fear of the woman seeing this as a way to better her career at his expense, by accusing him of sexual harassment, for example. Now I think most woman would see the prospect of career advancement as something more desirable than maybe a relationship with an unknown man, and if she doesn't take the opportunity presented for career advancement, in these days when money is becoming ever scarcer, then she is not being very clever, right?
I think this has extended now from the workplace to life in general. The woman is seen as actually the financial predator by men.
Further, this also explains why so many very young males now seek to be women instead, to have some of those advantages available to women, which are not available to men.
I know that might seem like a very right wing view, but I am actually apolitical, if anything anti profit, as we have to be to be, to be truly interested in stopping the planet from burning.
The reason the planet is burning is because of profit.
If we issue solar indexed UBI, the financial concerns of all people are removed, there becomes no shortage of money, the planet is fixed.
With that fixed, we will see many problems including the gender warfare and dysphoria also fixed.
The underlying cause of all of these things is where we get energy from, the energy that we each metabolise, about 150 or so Joules per second, 24/7, every one of us, we get it through money, the money comes effectively extracted from Earth as things stand. Change that to being from the sun, and all else is fixed.
I think men and women will be free to love one another again after that.
This is coming, pushed by nature as far as I can tell, but we are going to have to express a wish for it, now we are aware of it.
I hope that happens soon.
As things are, I was probably always meant to be single, I was an only child most of my life so far, that kind of sets us up to be more emotionally independent than others with siblings, but I would like to have the choice of whether I stay single for life or not.
Ps I was once like you, feeling the same way about my wife and mother of our young child as we were then. Unfortunately she didn"t feel the same way, the growing temptation of the financial rewards for bailing out with most of the takings including our child became too much for her, as far as I can tell.
That was in 2008, the last financial crisis before this one.
Lets end this misery of extracted energy I say, let's get on with living, really living.