Fact remains you are anonymous, so you do not have to take responsibility for anything you say.
I do.
My reputation as an Engineer rides on my analyses being correct.
I provide every opportunity for others to participate in what I know is vital new ground, knowing the state of the art of most of the subjects covered.
You can provide comments on any of my articles disputing the logic and maths presented there, but you do not.
Instead you propagate materials designed to make us believe in the zero-sum economy, the standard established line of large investors and authorities, which I have proven and shown is physically false.
So I question your motives.
I question your funders.
Who are your funders?
What are your motives?
What are your credentials?
Who are you?
Below is another article that characterises your information quite well ("Soft climate denial"), in my opinion, except in your case, you do not have to answer to the consequences, you can just disappear into the ether. I signed up to be emailed your articles so I might know when you've done just that.