Good, is everything not Evil, if you will be happy with that: "Evil", is what manifests from use of mathematically negative energy, it seems to me, working now on the energy problem humanity is facing for a number of years as a long practicing Systems Engineer, voluntarily, bacause as yet no-one seems to want to pay to have it done, and there appears no avenue to profit by it.
In fact, profit itself is systemically related to, and intricately linked with mathematically negative energy use.
Profit is only possible in an environment where energy can be deliberately scarcified, or withheld from others needing it. By deliberate I mean systemically deliberate, where most individuals can deny their seemingly tiny part in the "Evil", but the overwhelming systemic drive is towards what everyone accepts is not good, even mass atrocity and genocide, which in the end is destruction of what nature created, from mathematically positive energy.
Mathematically positive, means added to Earth, not subtracted from Earth.
Life is energy put to use on Earth.
As long as we are not entirely solar powered, then we are using negative energy, therefore doing damage to Earth.
Further, every act we might define as evil traces to negative energy use, never to positive energy use, as far as my own research has revealed to date, I invite anyone to review, or participate in any way, all are welcome.
So to me the simplest definition of evil, that all of science and religion, and philosophy might even agree on, if all honestly scrutinise it, is use of mathematically negative energy.
Stop that, and we stop all evil, it seems to me.