Erlijin your information was appreciated, thanks for posting it. I was hoping you might evaluate the information I gave in return, sorry if I was not tactful in the way I presented it, diplomacy is not a strong point of mine.
I would argue anyone in the conventional academic / scientific communities are stakeholders in renewable energy, whether they like it or not, just because they have to use the language of "Renewables", which is the standard language set by investment funded science and academics.
I don't see this as a fault of yours or any other individual, it is a system which is at fault, I am a systems Engineer, it is my usual role to fault-find and fix systems.
I see the fault in this system being existential if not fixed, so we all have a duty to do what we can to put it right, I think.
It would be really cool if you could comment on the information I sent in my reply, after the part about stakeholders.