Erasmo, thanks for your comment also.
I am not so sure our current economy was designed, it seems almost an accident to me, and maybe it will adjust naturally to the infinite donation form as needed by itself without explicit design.
I think we saw how that could happen, when oil prices went negative etc, at the time of first 3Tn stimulus, and the dollar even went up.
But obviously the stimulus stopped again, and then we saw the downward pressures on all things.
I did do a piece in Medium shortly after then, which describes how the same kind of Engineering we use to analyse systems of fluid vs pressure, and current vs Voltage can be applied to “Financial circuits”, to analyse realtime value transfer and generation, as long as the money is flowing, driven forever by the energy of the sun.
Voltage carries out a similar function as market value, at any point in a circuit. When something becomes scarce, its market value goes up.
When energy becomes scarce, as it was always when only from the storage of earth, the poorest people are deprived, which is obviously not good.
We should see that in pretty much the same way as parts of a field not being irrigated, people not receiving energy in the form of money cannot generate value, they simply die instead.
So the aim should be to always have available more energy from the sun than can be used.
With that done, the market value of money generated from it becomes a function of its utility, everyone gets more than they need, and since it becomes free flowing, we may exchange sockets of its supply, rather than finite packets of it, as we must do when its source is limited.
Bitcoin appears mathematically to be such a currency, comprising energy flow, as opposed to discrete packets of energy which is conventional money.
Value generation at any point in any circuit is as simply computed as the power in any engine, by a simple multiplication of market value by flow rate.
More value at any point can always be achieved by increasing flow.
Market value then is just an indication of where more flow is needed.
Financial circuits then become just another domain of Engineering.
Everyone becomes an engineer, of sorts.
On Banks, they are obviously driven to try to preserve things as they are, but it is feasible they could be convinced that all human debt is actually an energy deficit with our planet as grand creditor. I guess they would need to be shown that they have nothing to lose except their own slavery, in the flawed system if scarcity is removed, by them also inheriting an infinitely richer Planet.
The only way the deficit can be reversed is by all-out utilisation of sunpowered free money, it seems apparent.
If the banks agreed with that worldwide, and declared a day when all debts would be commuted to the planet as an energy deficit, with the directive, and appropriate rewards for contributing towards paying it back down by endeavours utilising only solar energy, I think the whole of humanity, even all of the former billionaires, would be celebrating for many generations to come.
The banks could maybe become a kind of wealth gateway, through which everything put into the system from solar energy is distributed.
Or they could just go down in history as an integral component of a time we will one day look back on as the real dark ages, if we even survive.
There seems a huge danger right now that we might lose sight of the solution, by sliding into yet more war and suffering, whilst solving nothing.
I think we should do all we can to avoid that, because that is surely the biggest threat of all to our survivability as a species.
As long as there are forces at work driving us into war and inhumanity towards one another, things are not right, and we are headed for extinction, so it is those forces we should look to change.
Profit seems the culprit of all problems.
It can be eliminated by just turning on the money taps, and leaving rhem on. Everything else would fall into place with that done, I believe.