

Frederick Bott
4 min readMay 27, 2024

Enshittopia (Cory Doctorow “Enshittification” — Extended), is the imaginary world we live in, created in our minds, built on lies.

Lies are related to temperature rise, honestly, the universe knows when we lie, the temperature goes up when we lie, down when we tell the truth.

This is even a lab tested result:

Lies are not information, lies are the opposite : — destruction of information.

The lie at the foundation is profit.

Its a trick, based on a proposition from an aggressor (A) to a non-aggressor (B).

“I will give you a little energy, and you will give me a lot more back, and this will be good for both of us”.

If the non-aggressor does not agree, then a public atrocity is done against them, so that all others know what is in store for them, if they don’t agree either.

From that point on, everyone goes along with the “Agreement”.

It’s basically a protection racket, locking us into energy slavery.

By this, the aggressor siezes capital advantage by having greater energy than the non-aggressor, even the power over life and death, because all non-aggressors have no choice but give some of their energy to the aggressor, the aggressor accrues energy accordingly, and subsequently gains the power to willfully scarcify availability of energy to anyone not complying.

The first instance of it in history might have been the deliberate acquisition and hoarding of grain for seven years which was followed by seven years of grinding famine, enforced by the holders of the grain stocks.

This is the basic energy lie of profit, and this is how energy slavery starts, and it is basically just a trick, which results in the theft of energy, from the non-aggressor, by the aggressor.

There are many variations on it, money gives many ways to disguise it, but in the end, its all energy profit, because all things exchanged by money, are energy in various forms.

Now we all participate in it, as we have to, to at least each get the energy we need to metabolise, its a system of energy slavery. We are locked into it, there appears no way out.

The Physical Problem of Energy Profit

The physical problem of profit, is that it always has to impact the planet, outputing more energy than it gets put in.

Peter robs Paul, each to replenish their own energy supply, as they have to, to avoid energy bankruptcy (Death), all the way down every supply chain, until it gets to the planet, which is the only entity that can consistently provide more energy out out than in, without going energy bankrupt (Thus dying).

But literally, its the planet having to give up more life than was put in. So eventually it has to die, as we are seeing, with the measurements of temperature, which are direct measurements of entropy increase, a measurement of life lost, given another profit-driven lie, that the adiabatic atmosphere somehow creates a blanket effect, so motivating creation of bullshit business to appear to be fixing the problem, whilst actually driving temperature up even harder, by doing yet more business for profit.

Bullshit industry, bullshit jobs, and enshittification are all related!

It looks like the run of profit has been about 2000 years, it doesn’t look like this can physically continue for much longer. In theory, our demise is modelable, perfectly simulateable, the timescales computable with suitable models.

Enshittopia, is the imaginary world we live in, where such simulations are not done, not even thought about, because we personally benefit from the system of energy slavery, we’ve personally found ways to locate a niche in it, where we can survive with some creature comforts. But none of us are free to choose whether we want it or not, even at the top, where now the real world starting to burn around us can’t be ignored much longer.

The way out is to start issuing solar indexed stimulus. I’ve shown why it has value, and why it needs to be done to preserve the value in money, and why it needs to be done to save people, and the planet.

Underpinning all of it is the energy polarity multiplier framework.

Please, do something for yourself, for creation, for truth, for life, do something to end the run of energy slavery… stop virtue signalling, just buy the book:

