Enrique I see this as just more of the global energy problem. Fix the energy problem and this is fixed, the stakeholder concerns here trace to the same thing, the need for all of us to make profit in life, to have any kind of life, when all along profit is an energy con, conning the planet out of energy it can no longer sustain losing without the environment becoming unsurvivable.
Adrverts, not just targeted adverts, but sales pitch of all sorts, which results in us being somewhat less than sincere throughout life, whether we adimt it or not, are no longer needed when we get the energy we need for life unconditionally.
If we paid attention to what happened during the massive stimulus of covid, (And were honest about it) we should have noticed it showed us how things could be different.
The value of money and the price of oil both did the opposite of what most folk expected.
Right there we had a tiny glimpse of real fine grained democracy the first and only time ever, I think.
It was like a trial of what appears to be necessary to meet the requirements of nature, that we align money with energy, rather than with capital as it has always been until now.
Profit might have been useful and necessary to get us to the technology needed to do things differently, but we seem to have reached the end of its usefulness. Now we have to start seeing it as no longer necessary, even a kind of crime, it even fits with religion, and all things identified as crimes in religions, which might scare off some scientists, and some bankers (And some other other witches and vampires!), but not if we just realise it was always about energy, energy is the thing we really have to start understanding how nature uses it, and just get to respecting this before all other considerations - it should be at the forefront of our thoughts really, imho.