Frederick Bott
4 min readDec 27, 2022


Enrique, GeoEngineering is something potentially more dangerous than nuclear weapons.
At its most extreme, there are schools of thought who believe it is possible, and perfectly fine to try to cut down the intensity of the sun by adding things to the atmosphere.
I've written how mathematically, besides being something cutting down the energy sustaining all of life, it could actually upset the orbital equilibrium of Earth, resulting in throwing us out of orbit from the sun, no less.
Is maimstream profit driven science going to ignore that maths?
There are some things that should never be tried, not even once, and this is one.
VC funded "science" has a habit of perverting every attempt to do the right thing, into doing the wrong thing, as that more often turns out to be the most profitable.
Things starting out as cures for the worst things quickly become maintenance of the worst things, because by that there is profit, and bullshit jobs, and actually, misery, because nothing is fixed.
We should be realising by now that the need for all things to be at profit is the real thing at fault, so whatever we can do to end that need, is what really needs to be done, to fix all things.
Monetising the free Joules of energy that we are adding to Earth does exactly that.
This would be us finally emulating the fundamental action of nature.
This would be us moving as a species from destruction as our default mode of existence, to creation, continuously adding value to Earth instead of continuously destroying it, as we have done exclusively to date.
Science has a huge conceptual hole, because it doesn't cover this very fundamental problem of profit driving all things, including even itself, with the consequence that now mainstream scirence thinks it is fixing things, when actually it is making them worse.
All things at profit had its day, in getting us to a technological level necessary to become energy secure as a species.
So lets get energy secure the only way we can, by using the actual only energy source effectively, as plants do, they issue nutrients in response to the Joules of energy falling on their leaves, and they pass those to Earth, feeding all of nature.
We have to do the same with money, our human equivalent of nutrients. We have to issue it in response to the Joules received by our solar farms comprising all reception of solar product, those are our human equivalents of leaves.
We even did this once, effectively, although it wasn't announced as such, the issue of 4Tn per month in US was actually backed by solar product, both historically and ongoing.
That resulted in oil prices going negative, the dollar going up, profit becoming irrelevant, and we even saw environmental recovery, which the forces of profit previously claimed was impossible, and of course now are trying to wipe from history, including the person who made this happen, much as he is unlikeable, a certain president Trump, as he was.
It is the forces of profit that are trying to cancel him, as they cancelled Nikola Tesla, whose secret documents repeating the publicly denied yet absolutely true information that free energy means free money, that he tried to deliver, when he was defunded by JP Morgan, his only funder, and whose documents first went into the custody of a certain Uncle of Trump's, with whom Trump was close.
Is that a coincidence? Of course not, it is all connected.
This hole in science can be filled, by science admitting it has the hole, specifically that science failed to mathematically sign energy according to where it comes from, and the direction it has to travel to get to us, relative to sun and Earth.
Positive if it comes to us from the sun, from above.
Negative, if it comes from anywhere else, ie, from Earth, which is generally beneath our feet.
Do that, and trace all dependent energies and processes putting them to our use with all consequences, and we see some very different conclusions on what is the right thing and what is the wrong thing we should be doing.
In short, continued use of negative energy ends in misery, every time, no matter what way we cut it; death, slavery, and systematic destruction of our planet.
Everything bad we can possibly imagine happens as a result of negative energy use.
Use of positive energy, I mean real use, by issuing money on it ends in the opposite, joy of freedom of all people and environmental recovery for the planet.
Go ahead, try it, do a little of the maths and systemic tracing of causes and effects for yourself if you doubt this.
This is the biggest mistake science ever made, to neglect to mathematically sign energy.
Fix it, and all things are fixed.
GeoEngineering becomes irrelevant after that, we will see what a lucky escape we had from a world condemned to end by profit, one way or another.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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