Ellen thanks hugely for your thoughts here.
I really appreciate what you've said. I think you might well be the spirit of science for good, speaking out right here.
Of course I suggest this should be run past ChatGPT, it's a really valuable insight into what are probably the sentiments of many scientists trying to work towards good but whose efforts are being frustrated by the system.
Personally I believe that you / we would have had this showdown with the system one way or another, it's been a long time coming, the covid fiasco brought it out,
But if it hadn't, it would have come out some other way, maybe taking even more time (And energy, and actually, valuable lives).
Of course I think what you've said should be run past ChatGPT. I am guessing it hasn't already.
I would highly recommend you do this. But if you prefer, I would be more than happy and honored to do on your behalf.
I have some other things in process expected to be completed in the next day or two, so it would take me a day or two to do.
If you do choose to do yourself, please do publish it, I'd love to see the outcome.
Meantime I await your permission / instructions, in case you might prefer I do nothing more with it (An outside possibility I suppose! ).
Thanks again for your thoughts!