“Economic Superconduction”
Given firstly money is energy, always physically, this can be used to numerically map money to energy flow through society, connecting with nature, in a common energy model by converting all to units of kWhrs at market rates.
{More energy moves by money than by any other means, in human affairs}
By this we get a picture of energy flow through society and industry, connecting with nature, where we have to conclude energy is the base currency of nature.
In doing it, we see Earth as a kind of battery, trickle charged by the sun, as illustrated in the story below:
We can map the charge state of the battery by seeing what is taken out by us vs what the sun puts in, and to do this again numerically we have to mathematically sign the energy flows:
We can add to this also energy flows for food energy commodities such as grain, and explicit energy supply such as by electricity, by converting those also to kWhrs, to connect with the energy metabolistic requirements of humans, each of us adults requiring about 150 Joule per second, 24/7, which is around 3kWhrs per day per human:
All this done, honoring nature as the primary system stakeholder, we can begin to model and analyse the system of energy in humanity, using electrical equivalent circuit theory, with a view to establishing the minimum we need to do, in terms of Engineering, to “Go with the flow” of nature.
By this we can model the outcome of the scenario which appears to be being forced by nature, for us to go fully photosynthetic, as a species, moving the main bulk of our energy requirements entirely to solar energy, thus removing our energy load from nature, not only allowing the latter to recover, but now working creatively in tandem with it, towards assisting its recovery.
There is a fundamental challenge in this, which becomes apparent by a Framework, the “Energy Polarity Multiplier Framework”, which emerges from the above work of analysis:
{I apologise for having to charge for the book, but it’s for a reason, whilst the hostile system still stands, to assist in continuing my research.
The good news is that the price for it is about the price of a cheap meal, and it’s free for anyone who has yielded to the systemic pressure of signing up for Amazon prime. I am not affiliated with Amazon or anyone else.}
Personal Note
A personal note, relevant to the energy multiplier framework;
One of my very clever uncles was my inspiration to get into Electrical and Electronic Engineering at a very young age, though I didn’t study it formally until much later as a mature student. His advice to me at the time was to learn how a colour TV works (We didn’t have one back then, early seventies, we were too poor). At that time, TVs were still cathode ray tube based, huge heavy fragile boxes, full of all the tricks of Electromagnetism.
He was right. I never did get to fully understand the colour TV, until after I’d done all the work of my Electrical and Electronic Engineering degree, and even started putting that into practice in industry.
In the same token, I stress to readers that the Energy Polarity Multiplier Framework is to energy now, like the colour TV was to electronics back then, it embodies everything anyone needs to know about energy, to understand the solution to the global energy problem. If you can get your head around that, then you not only understand the global energy problem, but you can also see the only solution to it, and even the fundamental physical challenge to implementing it.
Nature will force us through this change, one way or another, unless it kills us. I can’t stress that point enough. Hence why I write what we need to do, to go with it, for the best possible outcome.
It’s an incredibly good outcome. This brings us to the definition.
Given that the energy which moves through humanity by money is the energy of profit, and profit (p), is the difference between energy “put in” (a), and energy “received back out” (b) in any particular profitable transaction, we see that the energy which propagates as a result of the transaction is only (p), whereas the energy of (a) is much larger, the latter stays stationary, with the investor or worker contributing (a), to get back (a) + (p)
So (a), the bulk of energy in the transaction did not go anywhere, therefore it has no effect, whereas it could have, if it moved to where needed.
In terms of electrical circuit theory, this is like electrons flowing in a highly resistive material, they take almost as many steps backwards as forwards in the conductor as a result of thermal resistance, but the net movement, which is the current flow in the conductor, is what we see effected, and this is the result of a very inefficient process of conduction, in a resistive conductor.
But when we remove the thermal activity in the conductor, by reducing the temperature of the conductor below a certain temperature, there comes a sudden point of all resistance being removed. Then we see vastly increased conduction, the electrons no longer having any resistance to movement, resulting in the conductor transmitting much higher levels of current than are possible in the room temperature normal conduction case.
This is Superconductivity in Electrical terms, and we routinely use this technique in many practical systems to get the numerous benefits of vastly improved efficency, and much higher levels of current flow.
It seems reasonable to expect we will see something like financial superconduction in the scenario of solar indexed stimulus.
Because, as we saw during covid, availability of substantial unconditional free funds, as in the case of solar indexed stimulus, the inclination of the individual to “Save”, or “Hoard”, is removed, the individual is happy to pass on the entire bulk of what they / we receive, to whomever or whatever causes we see fit, without any expectation of returns, because we know what we passed on will be replaced. Funding to causes we perceive as beneficial, such as cures for cancer, diabetes, covid etc, as well as for ambitious projects such as flying to other planets etc, will be more or less unlimited. These projects, need energy like everything else, but they don’t get it, or very little from what some people perceive they have to spare from for-profit activities, and even then it isn’t much, relatively speaking.
As for the effect on value of tokens of currency, again as seen during covid, their value has to increase firstly due to them representing actual physical economic product already created and ongoing, which was not previously monetised, but further, when sustained, it follows that the much higher creative value of free-flowing energy tokens has to result in much higher energy value per individual token, so we should see the value of money ramp up to levels of energy / value never seen previously.
We might notice that superconduction in this case, the case of economy, looks more like a diode effect.
It happens dependent only on direction of energy flow, rather than on temperature.
It simply needs to flow in the positive direction in order to happen.
So we might conclude that the charge rate of the battery, as a function of humanity is actually much higher than we can imagine, until we see it, because it will be in energy superconducting form.
Whereas in our experience, all we have seen in recorded history is highly resistant, inefficient energy flow through humanity in the negative direction.
In the superconducting case, a more or less instant effect on reduction of planetary temperature does not seem unreasonable, and this will happen automatically just because money became issued as solar indexed stimulus, therefore changing in direction, from negative to positive, from point of issue.
A previous example of how to apply electrical circuit theory to economics is below, but please note this example was done before some of the more recent findings from the energy analysis, (Since the appearance of the solar powered Ai research assistant!), possibly superseding some of the assumptions used. If so, I will take some time to produce an updated version, but this one is from 2020: