Early Intervention Services (“EIS”)
Some Words of Thanks and Appreciation
Story inspired firstly by the poignant story below, written by Adebayo Adeniran
OK so we’ve heard a lot of bad news about the UK recently, as if it’s a hell-hole, in the eyes of the world. I guess I don’t need to go into details there.
In some ways its true, things have gone a long way downhill in UK, from what they used to be.
But I would like to say something positive, about some real life Angels I have had the pleasure to come across, in UK.
They are part of the NHS, their department is called “Early Intervention Services”, or “EIS” for short.
The unspoken word there is psychosis.
If you are diagnosed with a psychosis of any kind, at least around the South West of England, you are likely to come into contact with EIS:
Hearing voices or other sounds, with no recreational drugs involved, and/or seeing things that you are not sure if they are real or not, maybe causing you to be paranoid, feeling like you are Truman in the Truman show, worrying more about what other folk might be thinking, or scheming up against you, when probably they are thinking nothing of the sort, or if you know you are experiencing things only in your mind, not the minds of others, is a classic first sign of psychosis.
If you have any of that, please do seek help.
There is help available, if you just speak to your GP and be honest about what you are seeing and feeling. Don’t be afraid to reveal it, no-one can help if you don’t reveal it.
In my case it might be complicated by what I normally work on. You maybe know what I’ve been researching, for the past seven years, at massive personal expense since seeing the global energy problem coming during PhD candidate work in 2017, including arguably also at the expense of my own health, you’ll probably know that I am nonetheless spiritually happy, knowing what I know, about the reasons behind everything we are seeing.
This is regardless of financial circumstances. But the problem is we all need energy to come from somewhere, for us to just carry on living, never mind carry on researching.
And life gets very dark, when energy runs thin for us.
I see things, and I get paranoid, I admit it.
In my estimation, using all the skills of Systems Engineering of my experience in industry, the changes we are seeing in the world are physical, but also spiritual, biblical, even in a tribal sense. It’s all about energy.
The former Red-Indian-descent spiritual speaker, John Trudell, used to speak very wisely about it. He had it all more or less correct, just missing the sources of energy, which is quite an achievement, I think, given he maybe had no technical systems Engineering training. In fact, the most powerful techniques of MBSE (My specialism), were still in development then, its only been since about then, that they have come to be “Industry standard”.
His main speech, the one I appreciate most, (Thanks also Medium Writer TBA who put me onto it), captured on youtube in 2010, was called “I’m crazy?”:
I was referred (I think) by my GP, to EIS after I had a public melt-down in the local Citizen’s advice bureau, at the end of my tether because as far as I could see, after many weeks of trying to get help, there was nobody to help me sort out some difficulty I was having, which started as a physical eye problem, diagnosed as AMD in 2020, but which progressed to me becoming unable to read things written on paper, full stop.
Try to imagine, how difficult life becomes when you can no longer respond to letters, because when you look at them, all you see is ticker-tape with seemingly nonsensible text, even heiroglyphics, scrolling across, and all over whatever it is you are trying to read, and when someone does on your behalf, and hands you a letter that you might have received back, and you put it down along with all the others, (Tens of kilograms of others), you can no longer distinguish it from any of the others, so if someone says you have an appointment in there, for example, that you have to attend, and you don’t have the presence of mind, the social skills, or the time necessary to immediately remote yourself to your phone, PC, or whatever, to record it in a calender that might remind you when it comes up, given you’ve also completely more or less lost all sense of time, so you miss appointments, one after the other, and you start to get an idea of how difficult it becomes, to just manage “Normal” life, in the system as it was.
The system has to change, in my opinion, and it is changing, in a much bigger and better way than we can imagine right now, and it’s happening driven physically by nature.
We can choose to work with it positively, or against it, negatively.
But the change for the better is going to take some time, and there might be pain and hardship for many of us. Many will be lost, falling by the wayside, if we are not careful.
The changes we are seeing can be overwhelming, everything appears to be turning upside down, back to front, upside down, even law as we knew it, because fundamentally, the direction of energy flow through humanity is in process of changing direction, and when this happens, a lot of the old rules don’t count any longer, the motor of humanity is in process of changing direction, from negative, as it always was, to positive, and this comes with it many processes which will work in reverse of they way they used to, just like a motor powered by energy that changed in polarity, from negative to positive. Humanity is that motor, that machine, which has always been driven in reverse. Now its about to drive forward.
Anyhow, to you good folks in EIS, I salute you.
You are there to deal with some of the most difficult folk anyone can imagine, though we are all gems underneath, you get to see the worst of us, and you obviously do it for love, because it isn’t for money.
It’s obvious the money they pay you is only a small fraction of what you deserve, for being such a benefit to society.
Money is energy, always physically, money is an abstraction of energy, and below a certain level of energy, we are being starved of it. This is poverty, ending with energy bankruptcy (Death), and it should not be being experienced by anyone, given there is now an abundance of unmonetised energy.
People need to be enabled by that energy, empowered by that energy, to do maximum good.
More about that is here:
So to Mr Starmer, or anyone in contact with Mr Starmer, please pass on the message, that I hope you guys can match up to the high standards of EIS, by at least paying them what they should be paid, whilst expanding their services (I am more than happy to advise how to do that, actually how to sort out all your money worries, with the new publicly owned Energy company).
Until we get that sorted out (Kardashev Money), we are going to need the Angels of EIS, and a lot more like them, it seems to me for what is in store next.
The Angels of EIS are priceless.
Thanks EIS, for helping me get out of a very dark place. Life now for me is much better, working with you, I am able to function now much better, with your help, and I look forward to returning the favor in whatever way I can.