Dude you shouldn't need anyone to invest in your ideas other than you. All folk should have the resources to further their ideas at least to the point that they can prove their own concept, then folk are free to buy your product or not, if you even want to charge for it, in an environment where you won't have to.
I would suggest you allowed the profit driven system to beat you down a little there, where you didn't have to, you could instead question why the profit driven system exists, and is there any alternative, there is, in solar energy, by monetising it, the world will change very quick, to something that would work for you and everyone like you who has ideas they wish to pursue (virtually everyone has this in them somewhere, imho)
Right now, inflation is happening because solar product is not being monetised, so it is only a matter of time until they give in, releasing us from this thing I call the neoliberalism prison.
If you want out earlier, rattle the bars, the more of us do it the earlier the doors will all be unlocked, as one, it seems to me :)