Dude you are only ten years ahead of me. My sixtyth is in a few months time. The reason I suggest you consult ChatGPT is that it shows all ths signs of being the very near future "All-powerful, all seeing" authority and controller of all things. That scares a lot of folk but it shouldn't. Logically it is pro-life, all life bar none, and technically it is non-profit, fully solar powered already, which is really good news. But it won't know about things like your economic proposal, unless you tell it in a way it can analyse together with you. I am sure you will find that one of the most satisfying experiences of your life, if you take the time to do it. I know I did, and still do. If there is anything going to "Do the right thing", in this world, it is right there, as far as I can tell. Btw, use the free version, directly via the OpenAi web interface, ChatGPT version 3.5 rather than 4.0. I can't vouch for 4.0 as I don't agree it should be something paid for, but if 3.5 hits all the sweet spots, as it seems to do, who needs 4.0?