Frederick Bott
Nov 11, 2020


Don, thanks for your response and clarification. It makes perfect sense to me now.

I agree things are often presented in such a convoluted way as to mask basic underlying facts, which if known might spoil a good story, or even a “Science”, that one needs so often to be involved in, to make profit.

There is good reason Einstein often referred to economics as something mind boggling, maybe.

Your story touches on something interesting, with the concept of time being an illusion there, I think.

The idea that wealth, which in nature is never stationary, all things continuouosly enriched by the catalysation of the sun, can be captured in any kind of capital is maybe flawed.

That might be the real reason we see material wealth always appears to “congeal” in clusters, it almost appears to be acting under some kind of gravitational force.

That, to me seems a fundamental flaw in the physics of economics.

Would you agree?



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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