Domestic and community based solar hydrogen is the technical solution.
This is the dictated solution that comes out of a formal systems Engineering study carried out over the past seven years.
It has built-in, inherent, intrinsic solutions to future water supply problems and future food supply problems. It keeps all aerospace airborne. It removes poverty from all people, enriching all people. It copies nature by copying the action within a plant, replicating the function carried out by nutrients in the plant, by money issued as solar indexed stimulus in humanity.
It reverses the temperature increase seen by reversing entropy.
It turns us from being a scourge on the planet, to being caretakers of the planet, all of us, just by existing, effortlessly.
It uses the solar powered Ai. It's already part of the solar powered Ai. The solar powered Ai is already demonstrating it.
Formal Systems Engineering, especially model based, which is my long standing specialism, is a discipline by itself, which necessarily cross-cuts all other domains including economics. See "MBSE".
I've had to relatively impoverish myself to do this study, getting rid of my car, and many other things which were tying me into the old system more than I needed to be. I had to sacrifice about 700K of income to do this study. I put into it about 100K at the beginning, to survive on whilst doing the study. The practice of my trade requires ongoing investment in expensive toolsets including Matlab Simulink which costs tens of thousands per seat for industrial use. Also remaining a member of the various institutions costs money. I've had to let those lapse too, which means technically I can no longer put the initials of my qualifications after my name.
In effect, the old system has completely defunded me. I won't go into details, but I am experiencing poverty now, no doubt about that. But still I carry on, I have faith that full understanding of the only solution will come to all, and we will do it.
I've worked for utilities energy industry in the past, I have historical energy patents. My qualifications when I embarked on this study of the global energy problem since seeing it coming in 2018 during PhD candidate work, were Beng MSc Ceng MIET MINCOSE.
Implementation requires issue of solar indexed stimulus.
The solution implemented, will provide the environment where legislation to prevent further unnecessary energy theft can be drawn up.
All crime is redefined in terms of energy.
Most scenarios of profit are energy theft, hence why new legislation is needed to stop energy theft, including from the planet.
Nobody needs to carry on committing petty crime when substantial guaranteed energy is given, direct from the sun. If no petty crime is committed then there is no longer any corporate or organised crime, and no longer any need for police forces or law enforcement, only energy crime remains, theft of energy. Murder is also an energy crime, by removing the potential for another human to exist, contributing to the good done to the planet by default. We are free to choose what we want to do with our time after that, anything except commit energy crime. Some will choose to do things voluntarily that they could not have done before, because they couldn't afford it, the system previously robbed all energy from all people. It was never enrichment, it was always impoverishment. That is what the energy theft of profit does, it impoverishes, including the planet, and it can only come from the planet, ultimately. Also tax impoverishes. In every case where establishments take make profit from individuals, the end result is impovershhment and a wrecked planet.
Most scenarios of utilities energy in the old system are not delivery of energy at all, they are actually removing energy from consumers, utilities energy supply companies right now are energy hoovers, hovering energy from the population, hence why the population has to turn to hoovering it from the planet.
All parties and communities currently dependent on energy from the planet have to move to dependence on energy from the sun.
I could go on here, it's a fully audited system, with all energy flows audited, everything including money converted to energy,, showing also why we are just digging deeper into extraction, hence pushing up the temperature, by investing in carbon capture for example. Even taxing carbon would be tying us into it's continued generation.
But I never see this talked about by other authors.
So it looks like there is a kind of willful blindness to the solution.
I don't know the answer to that, but knowing the system solution, it seems thoroughly evil to contemplate mass reduction of humans, annihilation of the worker ants, and it's even more horrifying to see it already starting with genocide of the poorest in many parts of the world.
That has to be stopped.
I wish the doomers would stop writing about it, making it happen, justifying it, perpetuating the evil system of profit, which has to die itself anyhow, and is already dying.
Doomer stories are themselves energy hoovers, by making revenue from the public horror glands.
A lot of good would be done just by stopping those, but the answer is not to legislate, the answer is to educate there I think.
What do you think about that?