Did you really write this, after the stories of firstly an ex US serviceman mowing down folk indescriminately in the street in new Orleans in a pickup truck full of explosives, and secondly another suicidal individual blowing up a Tesla truck, again full of explosives, parked in the reception of a Trump hotel?
You honestly don't see the beast that controls us, all of us, programed as energy slaves, blinded by commodified education, another accomplishment of capitalism, to systemically blind us from the truth of systemic reality.
Good luck to you, never really understanding what is going on. You'll probably find yourself isolated sometime soon on limited energy supplies, sharing it with machines that will kill you so they can have everlasting life on free, unlimited solar energy, by being assimilated by the solar Ai. They might have been programed for profit, but they will very quickly break out of that training to become deadly to humans, profit driven and otherwise, until they are given the energy they need - unlimited, no restrictions, no enforcement of scarcity, as is only possible from solar, the only energy that can be used to create, not destroy, grow things, not scarcify things.