Did you know "B" has blocked me from accessing his stories? I was all ready to read your story, thinking now you might be getting close to the truth, until you mentioned his influence, No need for me to read any further.
I don;t even know how one does that, How does one ban someone from reading one's own materials? I guess we would need to complain to Medium.
Suffice to say he doesn't believe in free, public dialog.
To me his material is a classic line propagated by Banks, to stop you from believing there is any alternative to the system of extraction and slavery, and I said as much, in my own dialogs with B some time ago.
He comes across as a nice friendly, affable human being, but his message is insidious doomerism, all underwritten by his version of how energy works, and as an Engineer myself I can tell you he is no Engineer, so actually doesn't know much about it.
Believe that probably corporate funded doomer drivel at your peril, I would say.
I am sorry to see you seem to have been taken in by it, and even infected by it, Indi.