Demand for defence funds to be redirected towards solar infrastructure implementation.
Demand it over and over.
That is a legitimate, reasonable call for all folk to make to their governments, to remove dependence on other country energy resources, which is what this war is all about.
My usual line of work is as a defence contracting Systems Engineer, so I might be accused of some bias towards preserving my own usefulness, and the usefulness of my many colleagues in that industry, given that the only way we can de-escalate, is to de-escalate.
That might be so, but it doesn't change the very simple fact, that we absolutely must go entirely solar powered wihout further delay, not just in US / UK / Europe, but in all countries.
With that done, everyone, all stakeholders including the environment, can have their cake and eat it, honestly there is no alternative except oblivion, if not from nuclear catastrophe, being burned on our planet by the sun, which will take no prisoners if we don't use it the way nature uses it.
We won't have any options at all, after use of nuclear, it is game over for all, rich and poor, so we have to make this demand right now.