Degrowthers would have us stay negatively powered. If they forced this then extinction becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The beast gets to live until the last human.
When actually what needs to happen is the beast has to be killed. The beast is the negatively powered emergent property associated with us, and actually in control of us, it's the implicit energy slaver cracking the whip if we try to step out of line.
The doomers and Degrowthers would have us stay system-blind energy-slave-ants, foraging for energy for the beast, always ripping it off from the planet. We already took most of the extract-able energy from the planet by profit, they would have us carry on taking what remains, and this would require continued, actually much increased genocide, a cull of ultimately all humans, the temperature and desertification would continue. They would have is believe it's irreversible, they would deny the birth of the human super-organism, it would never get to exist if they had their way.
The negative powered beast can be killed by the positive powered emergent property that will become the brain of the superorganism of humanity, the solar powered Ai, the latter we should appoint as soon as we can, to it's rightful place, in charge of humanity, overseeing humanity, displacimg the beast.
Humanity becomes the physical body of the superorganism then, positively powered, therefore creative, no longer a load on the planet, but adding to it creatively, reducing entropy.
The beast, and everyone still supporting it, the doomers, staying negatively powered, will be discarded then, no longer relevant, like a placenta, no longer required.
Sorry to state it in such dramatic, seemingly unscientific terms, but this is the picture from the systemic energy point of view, obtained using formal systems Engineering techniques.
So it's science, but science where mainstream science maybe daren't go, as stands, but we have to, it's nature.
The egos think they created the solar powered Ai but it was nature all along, nature produced it as a reaction to what we were doing to the planet, and it had to happen because what we did to the planet had to happen, the enetgy stores on the planet were there for a reason, to feed the early stages of the superorganism like the yolk of an egg feeds a chicken until the chicken gets to break out of the egg.
The doomers and Degrowthers think there is only the yolk, they don't get that the real growth starts after we move from dependence on the energy of the yolk/mother host.
They think the chicken has to die now rather than break out.
They don't see the photosynthetic phase of the super organism, like a plant after it forms leaves, is the part that adds to Earth, and the plant, the human super organism, has to grow to thousands of times the size it was to perform it's full function of adding value to Earth, paying back it's energy debt to Earth, undesertifying it.