Debunking the Latest Hydrogen Misinformation Campaign by UK Politicians.
Heads up (And temporary bow out from Medium for yours truly)
Firstly a recap of what a top level Systems View of a Domestic & Community Solar-Hydrogen System Looks like, with some of the principles covered to date:
I’ve done countless other models on this over the past six years or so, some of them simulateable, using the toolset of the diagram above (Sparx Enterprise Architect), but also using Matlab/Simulink, all towards research which began as PhD candidate work.
I’ve been using those tools now for well over ten years, in my work as a Model Based Systems Engineer.
Above shows the main beneficial subsystems of a basic Domestic and Community hydrogen Ecology System, which itself can be repeated by, and for any community.
A Government, a Council, A Manufacturing Company, A Bank, An Online Platform, An Ai, A Family, A network… All are examples of communities which can use the above system to generate wealth from a core energy activity, which is completely for free, generating no pollution, only beneficial additions to Earth, after installation of the core Money-Fuel Tree system, which is scaleable, for free, to any scale within limits of available real-estate (Which is almost unlimited, if we use a little imagination on what surfaces can be covered by panels, flexible, transparent, and otherwise).
My work besides this, has been to identify and clarify at least some of the monies outstanding, owed to the public by money issuers, for the use of solar energy to date.
Those sums are of the order of half a Billion, in every developed country, and on course to be multiplied to many times these amounts.
The history of this research has also been captured in my 330 odd stories to date, along with more than 6000 responses to folk. But still this message does not seem to be getting propagated, or is otherwise not “Sinking Home”.
And yet the analyses are backed by solid Engineering mathematical and accounting techniques, all works shown from first principles, undeniable by anyone who knows even the most basic physics and maths.
I am not a genius, or a god, or anything special at all, just someone stuffed with the right experience and background to feel like it is my duty, to call all of this out, for the benefit of the collective, because I see things as far more critical than is communicated by the pseudo-science currently identified as “Renewables”, and the subsequent “Renewables Industry”.
There is no such thing as Renewable Energy, it all comes from the sun.
The entire history of every Joule emitted is accountable, and they all still exist in some form or another, after initial emission, by the sun.
The question on Earth is how much of them is put to use by nature, and us, (Creation), and how many of them are being taken back out of use, by us (Destruction).
Currently this is heavily negative, by us taking out far more than we are putting to use.
This is way above considerations of efficiency, which is only something relevant in the case that we are taking them out, efficiency might help to slightly reduce the rate we are taking them out, but it can never actually reverse the process of taking them out.
Only by us accepting them directly from the sun, can we put them directly to use on Earth, without causing more destruction than we create.
Jacob Rees-Mogg, former Tory MP, now GB News TV presenter, tonight on his talk show, chose to talk about some recent publicity by IATA:
There we hear talked about this thing called “SAF”.
On reading a little of the above IATA blurb on SAF, understandably, Jacob is having a field day with it.
How can IATA be so crazy as to be seriously suggesting to use second hand fuel comprising “Waste oil and fats” in aeroplanes, requiring thousands of gallons of fuel per flight?
A single fill for a Jumbo is more than 63,000 gallons.
Imagine the nightmare, of trying to produce enough “Waste oils” to keep that going — Bullshit business on steroids.
And in any case, the pollution not only from producing, but burning this would be huge, on a par with pollution from fossil fuels.
This would not be the planetary energy problem solved at all, but actually made thousands of times worse. God help us if this really is what is those simpletons think 2050 will bring, far away as it is.
I haven’t seen any trials of Engines running “SAF”, perhaps any readers knowing of any can leave some links. I bet such links if they exist, will be amusing at least.
Which brings us to tests which I have heard of, using hydrogen, and seen evidence of, by our very own (UK) Rolls Royce, who made the engines for Concorde, amongst many other iconic machines:
This shows that there is no technical barrier to using hydrogen in aerospace.
In fact, we might even say hydrogen fits like the perfectly formed foot, that the glass shoe of aerospace was always seeking.
From an environmentally sensitive Engineer’s point of view, it looks like nothing less than poetry.
Also I have shown previously how solar and hydrogen similarly fit together like poetry.
ChatGPT writes some beautiful poetry on these partnerships, I’ve published some of those too.
So how come Jacob Rees-Moggs knows nothing about it?
The absence of any talk of this research, done by one of our highest profile aerospace companies, is conspicuous indeed.
Is Jacob really so ill-informed as to not know about this?
By missing this, either unintentionally or deliberately, promoting and perpetuating our fatal addiction to fossil fuels and other energy by extraction (Including nuclear), Jacob really does us a disservice, I am sorry to say.
Temporary Bow-out
Today I have made a necessary decision, to temporariy redirect my efforts towards another avenue, partly to make some much needed capital.
I am still very much a member of the salary slave class, as yet. My activities in Medium, and my research on the energy problem, effectively campaigning for Kardashev Money for all, do nothing to assist with this, despite me now spending many hours per day writing here in responses, and the odd standalone story as mentioned earlier.
No-one is throwing me the bucket of money I say we are all owed, yet.
But they will.
Not only to me, but to you too.
As I keep saying; Nature has this all stitched up.
For now, I will not be doing any further activity in Medium, barring maybe the very odd tiny something, if I see anything extraordinary.
So don’t be alarmed, if you think I might have stopped breathing or something.
The inflation, and the planetary destruction, and the misery will continue until the required changes that I’ve identified are made, so…