Davido thanks for your considered response, I know it is a tough one to get our heads around, it took me long enough myself.
The key point is that with pow tokens from solar, we are seeing money created from nothing but solar energy.
We can’t deny Bitcoin has value, it is increasing continuously, with a few bumps along the way, and is exchanged for fiat every day.
Yes infrastructure is needed, and has an initial outlay, but after that it can not only be maintained, but even expanded thereafter by channeling some of the funds created back into the into the infrastructure, thus increasing the creation capacity.
It is not only free but freely scaleable.
On whether or not it should be defined as profit, I am not really partial, who cares if it gets the job done, but I think it helps to identify profit between one another as the root cause of all friction between humans, as well as the underlying driver of the devastation of our environment, and besides, the calculation of profit in the case of free energy is problematic, since cost after implementation is zero, dividing by zero is not possible unless I am missing something there.
This is probably something like the conversation that would have taken place between Nikolai Tesla, and JP Morgan, his sole funder about 125 years or so ago, when JP Morgan removed Teslas funding from Tesla’s free power and internet-like communications project.
Thankfully, I have no project to lose, and I am guessing you can pull no funds from me ☺, but look where we are, Tesla and JP are both long gone, and so will we be soon, if nothing changes.
After all, how long can it be denied the sun is the true source of all energy and thus all wealth, and not one another, or our planet?