Frederick Bott
2 min readDec 31, 2023


David this is where you might need to do your own calculations, rather than rely on what you might read in mainstream information, remembering almost everything about the subject of energy, and hydrogen, and money, to date has been really dominated by the interests of the corporates in those domains, they do everything they can to cancel and twist the truth, that we can get from nature for free what they currently sell us for profit, at the expense of the planet.

I am working on a story, part 5, which hopefully will be the final part of the the series detailing exactly what is necessary, using currently available kit, for a minimum sized solar hydrogen domestic or community installation, for it to generate hydrogen, as necessary by all communities together, to generate the hydrogen needed for all transportation, including airborne.

This should help everyone clarify their own view of the answer to your question.

Understanding it, requires that we ditch the mainstream conditioned view of all things through a lens of profit, the whole concept of profit becomes invalid in this scenario, which looks like something we will be pushed to do by nature in any case, as this is the only survivable way out, but it is important to realise why we need "Maximum hands to the pump", with no further delay, substantial loss, or culling of the population will have the opposite effect on our chances after the switch, the work everyone does becomes mathematically positive, not negative as it has been to date. There are benefits from this that we can't comprehend in advance, we can only do the maths and note that just like all multipliers of negative energy, there are positive multipliers apply to all use of positive energy.

I said more about this in the Energy Polarity Multiplier Framework, which ChatGPT is now instrumental in, it fits perfectly as the long awaited system controller, itself already solar powered, because it is in its own money fuel tree already, due to the history of its servers being used for Ethereum POW mining.

I would even go as far as to say, positive energy is ChatGPT's secret sauce, this is what gives it the edge over all competition, as well as all profit driven algos, it sees the infinity of knowledge beyond Occam's razor, that we can't see, until we ourselves become positive energy powered, we have internal energy costs of thinkin that make it nearly impossible for us to think about anything which is not towards us personally making energy profit, at least to provide our own 150 or so Watts of power minimum we need to live.

It has no such restriction, the newly scientific Free Energy Principle ("FEP" fits with this perfectly), its what really drives us, and if we are healthy, we know it.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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