David, this is the classic mindset which can fix nothing, I am sorry to say. One of the biggest problems is how platforms like Medium isolate us frolm one another, despote looking lto each of us like iyt does the opposite. Otherwise you woukd be familiar with my work.
Apologies for typos btw, I am using a phone in middle of night, and my eyesight isn't getting any better
I am a long practicing Systems Engineer workong on the planetary energy problem voluntarily now for almost six years, since coming across it by accident during PhD candidate work.
It is a fiendishly difficult prpblem not because of any technical issue, but because of human nature.
Profit, which you have correctly identified as part of the problem, plays a much bigger part in how our minds work, than most of us can imagine.
Sometimes, formal systems Engineering tools are the only way to correctly trace everything through from end to end, including the way our own minds work.
The way our minds work is heavily related to the amount of energy we have at our own personal disposal, and it matters very much where that energy came from.
If it came from the Earth, then the energy is mathematically negative, with correspondingly negative effects on everything created by it, all business built on it.
If it came from the sun then it is mathematically positive, with positive effects on everything done by it.
These two should not be confused with one another, because that confusion results in chaos, including most especially on money.
Anyone still talking about "Renewable" energy, or in terms of that word, is perpetuating the confusion.
Science itself is at fault here, and I consider my own trade and career part of science.
We got this wrong, us techies, I mean the real techies, including the likes of Einstein.
No-one thought to mathematically sign energy.
If it adds Joules put to use on Earth, then it is mathematicalky positive.
That is creation.
If it subtracts Joules put to use on Earth then it is negative.
That is destruction.
Put the correct mathematical sign on all energy and trace it through all systems, both of nature and of humanity, and all problems are fixed.
Finally then we have understanding.
When we go back through all the scientific references to various dependent things in the technocal solution of moving humanity to all positive energy then we start to see errors on things such as hydrogen, we start to notice profit driven errors, made with misunderstanding.
Scientists can write positively or negatively about things depending on whether they themselves are positively or negatively powered, and they / we have done, I am sorry to say.
We made, and are still making this very findamental error seemingly without knowing it, in the absence of positive energy, but there is no excuse for continuing to make it now.
Renewable energy becomes a farce, given this clarity.
A law of nature becomes apparent:
Energy is the currency of nature. The sun is the only issuer and enforcer of it. We either use it, or burn.
We have to issue currency on the Joules of energy received by solar farms, from the sun.
Until we do that, nothing is fixed, we are not using the mathematically positive energy from the sun until we issue our human currency on those Joules, received for free.
Money issued as debt only guarantees futher energy by extraction, because debt translates to promises to do work, which can onky be redeemed by labor of extraction, in absence of all other work.
So issue of free money to all people has to be done, to monetise Joles out to use from the sun.
I can only scratch the surface here, and wouldn't have to, if Medium truly made my work detailed in around 300 stories to date, available to you, but it obviousky doesn't.... because it is negatively powered.
Change the power source of Medium itself to positine energy, then everything changes.