Dave sorry it has taken a while for Medium to put your article in my feed (Why am I apologising for the platform?!?)
Since my first job as a hardware Engineer in the electrical power industry, rubbing shoulders with senior figures in that arena who were at that time retiring wholesale (and dying shortly afterwards), it became apparent to me that the nuclear industry is full of people who cannot see the harm in signing contracts that they would not survive personally.
The truth is that as long as we are profit driven, contracts signed by people who are long dead will not be honoured, if it costs less to just throw them aside.
Hence the reason, in my opinion, no nuclear power station will ever be safely decommissioned.
So far, this seems to have been confirmed by the evidence of pretty much all “de-commissioned” nuclear power plants around the world remaining in an unsafe state.
Just check any of them out yourself if you doubt what I am saying, but keep in mind, the nuclear waste remains harmful for thousands of years.
The only way to dispose of it safely is literally to send it to the sun.
Sorry to be the bearer of that news, assuming it will change your view, my friend.